I am terribly sorry, but this web app needs a large display to work. There is just too much information to display for a mobile-first responsive layout.

Please accept this pair of Caerbannog Rabbit Slippers as consolation for this grave inadequicy.

They have +80 Attack Chance.


Equip Behaviour

When equipping inventory while the slot is already used by a worn item, you can opt to ignore the equip action or switch the worn item.

Spoiler Warning

To minimize the risk of seeing unowned equipment by mistake, the shop is hidden by default.

Hiding the shop means you can't see items you don't own, however you will have to upload a save game to populate your inventory.

Showing the shop allows you to build your inventory without a save game, but risks you seeing all items in the game.

Game Data

version generated equipment count


In no particular order, I'd like to thank ...

  • game-icons.net for providing the wonderful icons you see on this site.
    • Character, Hamburger menu, Pencil, Shopping cart, Trashcan, Load, Save, Log, Camping tent, Eye target, Settings knobs icons by Delapouite under CC BY 3.0
    • Dice 10 icon by Skoll under CC BY 3.0
    • Battle gear icon by Lorc under CC BY 3.0
  • W3.CSS for the mean and lean styling.
  • On-boarding tour created with TourGuide JS.